This February we have improved our local storage provisioner and worked on our bootstrap script. The local storage needed some bug fixes. Bootstrap’s CI script now configures DNS, runs basic integration tests and general improvements have been applied both for readability of the logs as well as stability.

At the end of the month, our CI script could create a VPS, set up a Kubernetes cluster, install the OpenAppStack applications on it and log into Keycloak.

Local storage provisioner

We have been testing and improving our local storage provisioner. In a few days, it will be possible to add it to your cluster with a helm file. If you are running a single-node cluster on your own VPS, it’s worth checking this out! We would be very happy to hear from you if you do.

Bootstrapping and CI

Our CI script now uses an API to configure the DNS for each cluster it sets up. This makes sure that these test clusters are as close as possible to what people will use in the future.

Additionally, we are in the process of converting the remaining shell scripts in the bootstrap process to Ansible. Together with other ansible log tuning, the resulting logs of the bootstrap script are a lot more readable too.


We have started working on integration tests. After some research, we have chosen to use testinfra for testing cluster health and integrity. We will write behave tests to check if the installed applications work as expected. For example, to check if users can log in with the credentials that were provided before setting up the cluster. Our first success is a behave test that logs into Keycloak.

Next month

In March we will focus on automatically setting up Nextcloud and its integration with Keycloak when OpenAppStack is installed. We will also be attending InfraCon and Internet Freedom Festival (although that last one is technically in April). We hope to speak to you there!