We just released version 0.2.1 of OpenAppStack. This version is meant for everyone who wants to help us “alpha test” our code. Like before, this test focuses on:
- The setup process. We have been testing with our own configurations and exclusively on Greenhost VPSs. If you have some other VPS lying around on which you can run Debian Buster and which you can dedicate to a test run, that would be really helpful for us! Alternatively we can provide you with a test VPS.
- The Nextcloud/ONLYOFFICE setup and integration. We can not guarantee that Nextcloud will stay up to date and that you won’t lose data during this test. To get there, though, we would really appreciate it if you could setup OpenAppStack and try to use the NextCloud.
After the first round of tests the setup process has been made drastically easier. We also improved our setup instructions based on the feedback we got, and fixed some issues with cert-manager and Nextcloud.
To test our new release, follow the tutorial at docs.openappstack.net
Do you want to know exactly what changed? Take a look at the changelog here